A downloadable Sand Sharks



Up-button: Move up 1 block.

Left and right-buttons: Move left or right 1 block.

Reload-Restart the game!

---------------[Power Ups!]-------------

LK-This is the look block and allows you to look at the sand sharks that it interacts with, for a brief moment.

KO-This is the knockout block and allows you to knockout the sharks that happen to interact with the block.

H-I: This is the hint block and will cause a small button to flash on the player when a sand shark is encountered.

This is a game that was heavily inspired by my math teacher. One day, when I was just in class, vegetating, my math teacher mentioned something about sand sharks. It was related to plotting and stuff but I wasn't paying attention to that. I was paying attention to the SANDSHARKS OF COURSE!!!

Little does my math teacher know that I am the director of a fairly large game studio and I have the capability to create quality and aesthetic games on a whim; solo-devving. Anyways, to my math teacher, if you are reading this, you are awesome! I will definitely practice more math over the summer!


SandySharks 2.1 MB